About Wizzard Yarn Hair Falls

Some finished pieces on a rotating stand I got when a local yarn store closed.

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Wrapping Up: Storage and packaging.

Where do you put a few hundred clumps of yarn?

For a while, storing the finished hair falls was easy. I had set up an overhead support system earlier that I expanded. I got some 1/2" mesh hardware cloth and cut and knitted a couple of cylinders that I hung from the suports on swiveling pivots. I can easily connect springy clip falls to them, and with some additional hooks, I was able to hold bundles of yarn, combs and loops as well. Everyone really likes the way these work and look, but haven't been bitten by them like I have-too many sharp ends of wire sticking out waiting for a stray hand to puncture.

Later, I got several rotating racks that stores were throwing away. Most are designed for specific purposes, but have enought wires and hanging points to make them useful in diplaying hair falls. I hope to start doing some street shows soon, and I anticipate the stands will be very useful.

In preparing to move about 125 pairs to My friend's house for a photo shoot, I needed a better way to organize the falls and knew ha I had to use 3 dimensions instead of merely hooking them onto wire racks and flat 2D surfaces. I finally noticed that some modular wire shelving units I had would be perfect.

The pix below show this new system, but are mostly here because I love the pretty colors.

Beginning of 3D storage.

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Next page: Wrapping Up: Storage and packaging.

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